Friday, August 22, 2014

Creamy Chicken Ciabatta

Creamy Chicken Ciabatta

This is one of my favorite recipe, I make it every saturday. Adapted the recipe from my old friends who made it for me a years years ago. I've changed the recipe by tryin to cutt out the butter, full fat cream cheese, and extra salt. It's a quick dish you can make for the whole family.

3 oz Skinless, Boneless Chicken Breast,
1 Ciabatta Bun,
2 Tbsps Light Cream Cheese,
1 Tbsp Plain Greek Yogurt,
1 Tsp Lemon Juice,
1 Tsp Dill,
1 Tsp Garlic Powder,
1 Tsp Lemon Pepper,
1 Tbsp Olive Oil,
Fresh Vegetables for Topping (Tomatoes, Onion, Mushrooms, Bell Pepper, Lettuce .. Any what you need)

1. Bake chicken breast in oven with lemon pepper seasoning.

2. Mix together the light cream cheese, yogurt, dill, garlic powder, and lemon pepper.

3. Heat a frying pan. Brush olive oil on to ciabatta bun. Toast it on the frying pan just like you grilled a cheese sandwich.

4. Spread the cream mixture onto the ciabatta bun, add chicken and fresh vegetables, and ... whallla ... Done !

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