Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hainan Chicken

Hainan Chicken

For the selection of chicken meat, you should be used a local and not too old. If chicken is hard to find, can also be replaced with broiler chickens usual. Only if using broiler chickens, the chicken stabbing the fork is not necessary because the broiler can be padded with normal boiling process.

1 whole chicken, wash
3 leeks red
5 cm ginger, crushed
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cucumber
1000 cc water
5 tbsps cooking oil
3 stems of parsley leaves
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp flavoring
5 tbsp sesame oil

1. Cut chicken into 4 piece, prick with a fork to make it more easy to soft. Boil chicken for 30 minutes, drain. Set aside the boiled broth.

2. Stir-fry ginger until fragrant, put chicken and broth. Add scallions red, cook until chicken is really tender.

3. Remove the chicken, coat with sesame oil. Cut into pieces while warm. Serve with boiled sauce, pickled cucumber and parsley.

4. To serve, Hainan chicken rice is usually served along with Hainan; a sort of savory rice cooked with some of the water the rest of the cooking Hainan chicken. But you could serve it with plain white rice.

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